The contest will be judged prior to the convention by a pre-selected panel. A first, second, and third place overall winner will be chosen. Additional Judge’s Choice awards may be given to entries that individual judges particularly liked, but did not win a primary award.
The winners will be announced and awards given out at a special panel during the convention. Excerpts of the top three stories will be read aloud following the awards. Winners may choose their own excerpts and read them themselves, or they may request the judges to do so.
All winning entries will be assembled into a PDF file, which will be printed and distributed to anyone attending the awards panel. A PDF file containing the complete set of eligible entries will be made available on the Anime Detour website after the convention.
Contest Rules
- 1. All entries must be received IN ADVANCE by March 20, 2016. Absolutely no entries will be accepted after this date.
- Each contestant is limited to one entry.
- Your entry must be your own work. We will not accept stories with multiple authors.
- Your entry must be a work of fanfiction based on a source that is Japanese in origin. Anime, manga, video game, and live-action sources are all acceptable. Crossovers are acceptable if all the sources used are Japanese.
- Your entry must not exceed a PG-13 rating. This means no excessive vulgar language, extreme violence, or explicit sexual content.
- Entries must be a minimum of 1000 words and a maximum of 7000 words in length. Drabble writers may prefer to enter the “Iron Pen” drabble contest. You may enter both contests.
- Your entry must be written in English. Please keep non-English terms and phrases to a minimum.
- Your entry must have been written within the past year. You don’t have to write a brand-new story for this contest, but if your entry was posted anywhere on the internet prior to the previous Anime Detour, it will not be accepted.
- Your entry must be a complete story that stands on its own and is not part of a larger series.
- Entries will be judged based on the original Japanese source. Stories that deviate vastly from the original work (alternate universes, extreme character changes, etc) will be accepted but may be at a disadvantage.
- Please spell-check your entry before submitting it.
- Contestants must be registered for the upcoming convention. After the entry period ends, the contest coordinator will verify that all contestants are registered for Anime Detour.
Fanfiction Submission Instructions
Include the following information:
- Your real name
- Your pen name (optional)
- Your email address
- The title of your entry
- A brief summary of your entry
- The title(s) of the Japanese anime/manga/etc your entry is based on
- Your entry, as an attached file
By submitting an entry to the Fanfiction Contest, you grant permission for your story to be read aloud at the awards panel, distributed to panel attendees, and displayed on the Anime Detour website.
Inquiries, Questions or simply Email your entry to:
Email: Fanfic Coordinator