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Category: Registration

Badges will be issued at the convention. Anime Detour does not distribute badges before the convention. Badges will be issued to their legal owner only, a person may not pick up another person’s badge.

  • Pre-registered: Will pick up their badges individually from the general pick-up line.
  • Groups: Will be able to pick up their badges individually from the general pick-up line.
  • VIP: Will be able to pick up their badges from the VIP line.
  • Artist Alley/Exhibit hall: Will be handed out by the respective departments.

Minors – May use any one of the following: A school photo ID, ATC_Payment receipt/proof of purchase, or a government-issued photo ID. An adult family member may also vouch for the minor’s identity after showing their own ID.

Adult – A government issued photo ID that has their date of birth on it is required for anyone picking up an adult (18+) badge. If an adult is unable to produce a government issued photo ID, they will be issued a minor badge. For security reasons, the convention reserves the right not to issue a badge to someone that does not have their ID and cannot prove who they say they are.

Government issued Paper ID’s OK with a valid DOB on it.

IDs must be physically present, NOT on your phone