Registration Rates
Below are the rates for Anime Detour registration, valid for all three days of Anime Detour:
- (18+) Before Sep. 30: $60
- (18+) Oct. 01 until Dec. 31: $65
- (18+) Jan. 01 until Mar. 01: $70
- Ages 13-17: $45
- Ages 6-12: $25
(All registrations are subject to a processing fee)
At-door Registration:
- (18+): $75
- Ages 13-17: $45
- Ages 6-12: $25
(All registrations are subject to a processing fee)
Badge Pickup
(During the convention)
Pre-Registration Only
Thursday: 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Pre-Registration and At-Door Registration
Friday: 9:00am – 7:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am – 7:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am – 3:00pm
Memberships vs. Tickets
Anime Detour does not sell tickets. Instead, the convention sell memberships to a yearly event. With that in mind, the legal owner of a membership/badge/registration is not the person who paid for it, but the attendee listed on the registration. Only the legal owner of a membership (the attendee) may relinquish, transfer, or pick it up.
Providing false or otherwise fictitious names (i.e. non-legal names) on registrations can make it impossible for a badge to be issued.
Do I need to Register?
YES! Every person attending Anime Detour must either register online or in person at the convention.
Any individual who intends to enter con-space is required to be registered and have their badge visible. Con- space includes (but is not limited to) areas such as the exhibitor room, panel rooms, room parties, and programming rooms.
General hotel space (i.e. the lobby, personal hotel rooms, attached businesses) will not require badges.
A person may choose anything that is family appropriate (by discretion of the Registration staff) and is of reasonable length. Special characters and/or any inappropriate names will not be allowed.
Anime Detour reserves the right to alter or shorten badge names as necessary.
Anime Detour offers at-door, Sunday-only badges for $15 (all ages). Sunday badges will only be sold on Sunday of the convention, during Registration hours in the Greenway Promenade on the second floor of the Hyatt. If a person is interested in attending Friday and/or Saturday, a standard weekend membership will need to be purchased.
We offer an Educational Discount for Anime Clubs and School Groups for $50 each (Standard of $75). We accept group registration via our Anime Detour Event site where memberships may be purchased all in a group, or individually. This makes the payment process possible to be individual or by group purchase.
Group Registration Verification
Please Contact Registration for more information on the discount.
If an attendee loses or misplaces their badge at the convention, a replacement badge can be purchased. Attendee must bring their ID or proof of purchase for a replacement badge to be issued.
Lost and found badges will be located in Registration during Registration hours. After Registration hours lost and found badges will be located in Operations
Badges will be issued at the convention. Anime Detour does not distribute badges before the convention. Badges will be issued to their legal owner only, a person may not pick up another person’s badge.
- Pre-registered: Will pick up their badges individually from the general pick-up line.
- Groups: Will be able to pick up their badges individually from the general pick-up line.
- VIP: Will be able to pick up their badges from the VIP line.
- Artist Alley/Exhibit hall: Will be handed out by the respective departments.
Minors – May use any one of the following: A school photo ID, ATC_Payment receipt/proof of purchase, or a government-issued photo ID. An adult family member may also vouch for the minor’s identity after showing their own ID.
Adult – A government issued photo ID that has their date of birth on it is required for anyone picking up an adult (18+) badge. If an adult is unable to produce a government issued photo ID, they will be issued a minor badge. For security reasons, the convention reserves the right not to issue a badge to someone that does not have their ID and cannot prove who they say they are.
Government issued Paper ID’s OK with a valid DOB on it.
IDs must be physically present, NOT on your phone
Anime Detour does not offer any type of a press/media badge for a free or reduced price. Every person attending Anime Detour must be registered