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Category: Policies


  • You may not charge an entry fee.
  • You may not sell anything in your room party with the exception of registrations to other conventions.
  • Voluntary tip jars are allowed, but you cannot deny anyone access to the party if they don’t tip. No minimum tip requests or suggested donations. You must keep your tip jars inside of the room at all times. At no time can they be removed and placed elsewhere (ex: hallways.)
  • Monetary amount (even if it’s just a suggestion) + item or service = commerce. This is not allowed.


  • At least one person in your group needs to be at least 18 years of age (at the time of the conventions), sober, and responsible during all party hours of operation.
  • All room party hosts and volunteers must be registered for Anime Detour. No exceptions.
  • While more than one host may be registered for a given room party, AT LEAST one of the hosts must be physically present, responsible, and sober AT ALL TIMES during the party’s hours of operation.
  • Your party must welcome everyone wearing a current Anime Detour badge. If you are an age-restricted party, they must also show a legal form of identification. If you are hosting a 21+ party, One party host must check all IDs at the door.
  • All room parties are subject to review for appropriate content.
  • Anime Detour DOES NOT pay for your party room. All hosts are responsible for their own room costs and any fees they may incur.


  • All room parties must be open for a minimum of 4 hours on Friday and 4 hours on Saturday.
  • No room parties may be open before 3pm on Friday.
  • Barring emergencies, parties must be open for all of their stated hours. If there is an emergency and the party needs to open late or close early, the party hosts should contact the Room Parties team at their office.
  • You must post your party hours near your door, as a courtesy for our attendees so they know when you are open for partying!

Noise Levels

  • If your music can be heard two rooms away, it is too loud.
  • All speakers must be inside the room.
  • If you would like help adjusting your noise levels, contact the Room Parties staff to assist you.
  • In the event of noise or other complaints with regards to room parties they will first be handled by convention staff before being escalated to hotel staff if necessary.


  • No fog machines.
  • No dry ice.
  • No open flame – including candles.
  • Make sure your party does not violate other Anime Detour policies, such as the weapons policy.
  • Strobe lights may be used, but you must put a sign or warning outside of the door for attendee’s sake.
  • Blue painter’s tape is the only acceptable tape to use. Do not use any other type of tape.
  • Do not cover or tamper with any thermostats, smoke detectors, or fire sprinklers.
  • No smoking or vaping of any substance is allowed.
  • No distribution of any drugs or cannabis products (gummies, vapes, joints, etc) to any guests at your room party.

Serving Alcohol

  • Parties may only serve alcohol during their stated open hours.
  • You must card for a valid government-issued ID before serving any alcohol, even if the attendee looks old enough. The person checking IDs must be sober. No exceptions. This is for your own benefit with regards to MN liquor laws and statutes.
  • Attendees are not allowed to leave your room with alcohol. If someone does leave your room with a drink or is making a scene about it, please notify Anime Detour staff as they are responsible for enforcing convention policies.
  • Serving alcohol to someone who is already visibly intoxicated is known as over-serving. Use your best judgment to avoid over-serving, you are responsible for your room party.
  • Authorities will be contacted if there are reports of underage drinking or attendees not being carded.
  • For more information, please review Minnesota’s liquor laws and statutes.


  • If it’s illegal outside the hotel, it’s illegal inside the hotel.
  • The Hyatt is a non-smoking hotel. The smoking area is in front of the hotel, just outside the doors that lead to Main Programming.
  • Hotel policy is that no furniture in the rooms may be moved for any reason, with the exception of chairs. Please contact Room Parties if you would like to request the hotel to remove the bed or sofa from the room. We will review each on a case by case basis and, if approved, Anime Detour will cover these costs. Otherwise, if you do not reach out and proceed to remove items, you will be charged a fine for moving furniture without permission

We want to help you to have the most fun as you possibly can, however, in the case that any of these rules are broken, we reserve the right to shut any party down as we see fit. This ensures the safety of everyone and makes it so that we can continue hosting Room Parties for years to come.