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Exhibitor Hall Vendor Information

Applications are generally available around the end of August
Exhibit Hall Application 

Exhibitor Hall Hours

Date Setup Hours VIP Sponsor Hours Business Hours
Thursday 12pm – 7pm X X
Friday 10am – 2pm 1:30pm – 2pm 2pm – 8pm
Saturday 9am – 10am 9:30am – 10am 10am – 7pm
Sunday 9am – 10am 9:30am – 10am 10am – 4pm
Take Down 4pm – 8pm

We are looking for courteous, flexible, cooperative, and patient vendors that sell quality merchandise and can provide a fun and happy atmosphere for our convention attendees. All applicants that feel they can meet this criteria are welcome to apply.

Please note that the Exhibit Hall Application Form is NOT a guarantee you will be admitted as a Vendor to Anime Detour. After the application form is closed, ALL applications received will be evaluated based on spacing, variety of merchandise, store reviews, etc… Your application will either be accepted or put on the waiting list. If accepted, you will receive a contract with a deadline for payment. If the signed contract and payment are not received by the deadline, your spot will be offered to the next vendor on the waiting list.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Strong, well-known, well-established brand identity and brand following is a very important factor for Exhibit Hall applicants that sell their own lines of merchandise
  • If you are an organization whose primary function is promoting a convention/event/business/anything besides selling merchandise, please contact the Anime Detour Marketing Team

If you feel you meet the criteria listed above please fill out the Exhibit Hall Application form