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Eveille Cosplay

Joining us this year as a guest of honor is! Eveille Cosplay is a master level cosplayer with over 18 years of crafting experience hailing from Southern Pennsylvania. She loves to create elaborate works of art for competitions while still taking the time to create fun simple cosplays to wear with friends. Throughout her 18 years she has gained a strong knowledge of techniques and is well versed in the multiple mediums required for cosplay competitions, from sewing and embroidery to foamsmithing, prop making, and 3D printing. This helps her to bring a well rounded view to the judging room. She has competed in multiple high level competitions, bringing home some Best In Show awards and has placed 2nd overall twice at the C2E2 Qualifier for the Crown Championships of Cosplay. When not busy in her crafting room you’ll find her engrossed in a book, crafting new adventures for her players at the D&D table, or once again journeying with her companions to save Baldur’s Gate or Eorzea keep on eye out for this amazing cosplayer!

Photographer Credit: Alexandra Lee Studios / IG: aleestudios