COVID Policy Update
After much deliberation, the Anime Detour team has decided that for the safety of our guests, staff, and attendees that all Anime Detour 2022 attendees 5 years of age or older will be required to either be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or have had a negative test within 72 hours of the convention opening. In addition, all attendees will be required to wear a mask. The exact process for providing vaccine status/test results will be detailed as we get closer to the convention.
Please continue to watch our social media and website for important updates as they become available.
If you have already purchased a badge, we will be allowing a rollover to 2023 or you will be able to transfer your badge. More information regarding transfers can be found on the Anime Detour Registration Page. Additional information regarding rollovers will be available at a later date.
These rules are subject to change as the situation with COVID continues to evolve. We will make sure that all local and state ordinances are followed at the convention if they are more stringent than our current policy.
Please see the MNDoH website and the CDC for the latest information.